rate need be. Unfortunately, enclosure obscures visibility,
thus where it is necessary to observe the process inside, pro-
vision has to be made for simple viewing panels of plate
glass or transparent plastic. Video monitors or electronic
indicators can also be used.
Redesign of processes can be as simple as fitting special
covers on containers and matching discharge ports to entry
holes or as complicated as total automatic handling through-
out. With materials handling dramatic improvements on
hygiene can often be achieved by using sealed transfer
systems, eliminating the potential for inhalation and skin
contact. Where liquids are transferred the simple use of a
discharge nozzle extending below the liquid surface can
reduce the evaporation. It is wise to think through every
stage of the process noting places where emission is highest.
An experienced outsider can often notice features which are
missed by the people who are in closest contact. This should
be done before the costly expedient of extract ventilation is
When redesigning new plant it is important to involve
experienced health, hygiene and safety professionals in the
early stages as often the environmental aspect of produc-
tion processes are considered too late to have any effect on
the installation. Often plant is installed and commissioned
before environmental hazards are realized and then there is
a great reluctance to make modifications. It should be borne
in mind that the high apparent cost of process redesign can
often be offset against the reduced capital and running costs
of supplementary control, monitoring and maintenance
which is required of an inferior process. Also the relation
between workforce and management is greatly improved
with obviously safer processes.
Extract Ventilation If it is difficult to adopt process rede-
sign or satisfactory enclosure then pollutants can be captured
before they are generally released by means of some type
of hood, slot or enclosure inside which a negative air pres-
sure has been generated. Air will thus flow in by virtue of
the difference in pressure between the mouth of the device
and the surround. If the contamination from the process can
be moved into the hood by means of the airflow, then some
degree of control will be achieved. The air in the hood is
removed by a fan via ducting to an outlet or air cleaning
system. Any contaminant not drawn in will remain free to
disperse within the workroom where it may be inhaled by
the operator or other personnel. It is therefore important to
consider the patterns of the airstream in the vicinity of the
work where the success or failure of the extract system is
often determined.
Providing no obstructions exist around a hood, then air
will flow in from all directions in a zone of influence which is
approximately spherical in shape with the mouth of the hood
at its center (Figure 1). The air velocity at any point in that
sphere being approximately related to the hood entry velocity
by the inverse square of the distance from the hood (Dallavale,
1952).^10 By careful selection and location of screens the shape
of the airstreams can be adjusted to reduce unwanted airflow
from uncontaminated areas thus increasing the flow of air
drawn through the zone of pollution emission.
For most operations a minimum velocity (capture veloc-
ity) is defined as that velocity at which the energy of motion
of the contaminant can be overcome thus drawing it into the
hood. In the case of the release of welding fumes for example
a velocity of at least 0.5 m/s (100 ft/min) is usually required
to overcome the thermal motion of the plume (ACGIH). In
processes where the velocity of emission of the contaminants
is high as with grinding or where high cross draughts exist
then higher capture velocities may be necessary. Conversely
in certain work, such as paint finishes and gas shielded weld-
ing, too high an airflow may affect the finished product. Thus
a control envelope bounded by upper and lower velocity con-
tours may have to be defined. That is, the hood should be sited
so that the source of pollution lies between chosen velocity
contours and preferably on the centerline of the slot.
Centreline velocities can be predicted in relation to the
distance from the mouth of the opening using the expres-
sions given below (Fletcher, 1977).^12
093 858..a^2
12 ⎛
12 13
FIGURE 1 Airflow patterns and velocity contours
at the mouth of a suction inlet.
.25 m/s
50' /min. 100' /min. 200' /min.
.5 m/s 1 m/s
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