Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1

Advances in pollutant monitoring techniques and instrumen-
tation have progressed significantly in the past several years
to the point where noteworthy confidence in instrumentation-
generated data has been established. Most systems, whether
manual or automatic, have been designed to determine the
quality of pollutants present per unit volume of air. These
determinations can be made either in a duct/stack or in the
outside atmosphere for the purpose of either ensuring adher-
ence to published air quality regulations or for defining air
pollution control device design criteria.
Air pollution instrumentation is utilized in the two major
air quality areas of source and ambient monitoring with
a further breakdown in the source monitoring category to
the manual, and continuous type of instrumentation. Each
of the three categories presents various types of monitoring
problems which must be overcome, and each program is per-
formed for a different reason.


Instrumentation is utilized in this type of monitoring to
provide a means to determine compliance with existing
regulations and for developing design criteria for control
of air pollution. The systems must be durable and allow for a
certain amount of flexibility due to the many different situa-
tions which are encountered during the evaluations of station-
ary sources. This is emphasized by the fact that there are more
than 25 different Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
sampling methods which, all except Method 9, require
some type of instrumentation to complete the evaluation.
(See Stack Sampling. ) The most familiar procedure, “Method
5,” has been the basis for the development of most of the
other procedures. Method 5, shown in Figure 1, utilizes the
basic equipment and sampling procedures (i.e., imping-
ers, dry gas meter, pump, etc.) which with minor modifi-
cations or additions can be utilized to perform other EPA
methods. As an example, Method 17 shown in Figure 2,
utilizes the same components from the EPA 5 “sampling
train” with a change in the filter location, and Method 8 for
sulfuric acid mists presents even other changes. The EPA
methodology and equipment were developed specifically to
improve the accuracy of the source testing programs, and
supplement the “ASME Train” (the “ASME” or American
Society of Mechanical Engineers Train was developed

to allow the determination of stack gas concentrations
primarily in the electric utility area). The major reason for
the testing methodology change (ASME to EPA) was to
improve the capture efficiency of smaller (submicron) par-
ticles, and allow for gaseous concentration determinations.
Due to thimble porosity the alundum thimble utilized in
the “ASME Train” did not allow for the determination of
representative data when sampling after a control device
for either the determination of regulatory compliance or
control efficiency. In addition, the use of an entirely glass-
lined sampling system (“EPA Five Train”) minimized the
introduction of outside contamination to the samples being
Such theories as isokinetic sampling for particulates  1.0
micron and proportional testing for gaseous determinations
remain unchallenged. Only the equipment for manual monitor-
ing has changed and will continue to change as improvements
are made.
Manual source testing (stack sampling) equipment is
available through several manufacturers, some of which
are presented in the “Product Line Profiles” developed by
Pollution Equipment News.


There are two basic types of source emission monitoring
instrumentation—opacity monitors and gaseous emission
monitors. Opacity monitors, which measure the transmit-
tance of light through the gas stream, are called transmis-
someters, and are of two basic types; single-pass systems
and double pass systems. Gaseous emission monitors on the
other hand, are utilized to measure the concentration of spe-
cific gaseous components of the exhaust gas, such as O 2 , CO,
SO 2 , NO 2 , NO x , etc. These instruments are divided into three
basic types: extractive systems, in-situ systems, and remote
systems. The in-situ systems can be further sub-divided into
either in-stack or cross-stack monitors.

Opacity Monitors

Opacity monitors, also known as transmissometers, serve
the purpose of providing information relative to combustion
conditions, or control device efficiency. Transmissometers,
although required by the EPA for various stationary sources


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