The prokaryotic blue-green algae, Cyanophyta, are
usually divided into 5 groups:
Chooccocales are unicellular. They sometimes occur in
irregular packets or colonies. Cells multiply by binary fi ssion.
Chamaesiphonales are unicellular, fi lamentous, or colo-
nial epiphytes or lithophytes. Cells show distinct polarity
from apex to base. The base usually has a holdfast which
permits attachment to the substrate. Cells multiply by inter-
nal septation or by formation of spherical cells ( gonidia ) at
the ends of fi laments.
Pleurocapsales are fi lamentous with differentiation into
aerial and nonaerial elements. Cells multiply by crosswall
formation or by internal septation.
Nostocales are fi lamentous without differentiation into
aerial and nonaerial elements. They are unbranched or falsely
branched and frequently have pale, empty-looking cells called
heterocysts and resting spores ( akinetes ). Reproduction is by
liberation of a short fi lament only a few cells long, called a
hormogonium, which then elongates.
a) Nostacaceae are unbranched and produce hetero-
cysts. They frequently produce akinetes.
b) Rivulariaceae are unbranched or falsely branched.
Filaments taper from base to tip. Heterocysts are
usually present at the base. There is some akinete
c) Scytonemataceae are false branched. Heterocysts
are frequently found at branch points.
d) Stigonematalis are filamentous with aerial and
nonaerial differentiation. Hormogonia and hetero-
cysts are present. They often show true branching
and have pit connections between cells. Akinetes
are rare.
Eukaryotic microorganisms include all the algae (except
the Cyanophyta ), all the protozoa, and most fungi. All are
microscopic in size.
The eukaryotic algae are separated into nine divi-
sions based upon their pigment and carbohydrate reserves
(Table 3). They are all photosynthetic and, like higher plants,
evolve oxygen during photosynthesis. Many algae are obli-
gate phototrophs. That is, they are completely dependent
upon photosynthesis: they can not use exogenously supplied
organic compounds for growth in either the dark or light.
Some algae are facultative phototrophs; they are able to uti-
lize organic compounds for growth in the dark but fi x carbon
dioxide photosynthetically in the light.
Occasionally algae, especially unicellular forms, per-
manently lose their chloroplasts by exposure to any one
of several adverse conditions, e.g. heat or chemicals. If the
organism had been a facultative phototroph, before the loss of
the chloroplasts, it has the enzymatic machinery necessary to
survive except that now, in its chloroplastless state, it is indis-
tinguishable from certain other unicellular organisms more
commonly called protozoa. The ease with which an organ-
ism at this primitive level of evolution may be interchanged
between groups containing a preponderance of plant-like or
animal-like attributes underlines the need for the term protist
rather than plant or animal to describe them. Indeed both
botanists and zoologists claim the protists. Some algae e.g.
Euglena spp., normally only form chloroplasts when they
grow in the light while others e.g. Chlorella spp. form chlo-
roplasts regardless of the presence of absence of light. There
is great diversity in size, shape, presence or absence of life
cycles, type of multiplication, motility, cell wall chemistry,
and chloroplast structure. Although these parameters are of
great assistance in defi ning affi nities among algae, there are
still groups whose proper place is debated.
Many algae are important as sources of food, chemi-
cal intermediates of industrial and medical importance, and
research tools. Others are nuisances which clog waterways
or poison other aquatic life with their potent toxins.
Eukaryotic Algal Groups
The eight groups are:
1) Chlorophyta (green algae) are either marine or fresh-
water forms. This large and diverse group includes
forms which are either unicellular, colonial, filamen-
tous, tetrasporal (cells separated but held together
in groups of four in a mucilaginous material), coe-
nobial (cells more or less attached to each other in
an aggregate), or siphonaceous (simple, nonseptate
filaments). They frequently have life cycles which
Clostridium 1x3.10m
Salmonella 0.6x2.3m
Hemophilus 0.3x0.6–1.5m
Pseudomonas 0.5x1.3m
Fusibacterium 0.75–1.5x8.80m Neisseria 0.6x0.8m
Streptococcus 0.5–0.75m
Staphylococcus 0.8–1m
Erythocyte 7m diameter
FIGURE 2 Relative sizes of bacteria.
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