Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


While as a general rule the modeling of the hydrody-
namic transport of a constituent in an estuary is much fur-
ther advanced than the modeling of its reaction kinetics,
the most commonly unsatisfactory aspect of present water
quality models is the specification of the source and sink
terms. Many of the physical-chemical processes affecting
the concentration of parameters lack adequate formulation.
These include sedimentation and deposits of particulate
matter, non-linear reaction kinetics, surface exchange of
gaseous constituents, and chemical and biological reactions.
Modeling of the relation of water quality and estuarine biota
is not well advanced. Models of phytoplankton production,
of nitrogen cycling, and of gross ecological parameters have
been attempted with limited success.


Sources for the materials which are found in the waters of
estuaries include two major sources, river inflow and ocean
water inflow. The concentrations (or ranges) of selected
chemical constituents of fresh and ocean waters are given in
Table 1. Fresh waters may have large ranges of concentra-
tions of the lands which they drain. These ranges are quite
different from those of oceanic waters. In fresh waters, cal-
cium is usually the most abundant cation and sulfate is the
most abundant anion although carbonate may also be quite
high in concentration. In sea water, on the other hand, chlo-
ride is the most abundant constituent and anion followed by
sulfate and bicarbonate. Sodium and magnesium constitute
the majority of the cations. Depending on the relative balance
of river inflow and the incursion of seawater brought in by
tidal action, the quality of the water in the estuary assumes a
composition in proportion to the two sources. However, the
location of constituents from the various sources either later-
ally in the estuary or vertically in the water column is highly
dependent on the circulation patterns existing in the estuary
which were discussed earlier.
Although in relation to river and tidal flows, direct pre-
cipitation is a small hydraulic input to an estuary, its water
quality cannot be ignored. In shallow bays with little river
inflow and a restricted opening to the ocean such as bar-built
estuaries, rainfall directly on the estuary may be an impor-
tant source of fresh water.
Waste discharges may exert a dominant influence on
the water quality of estuaries depending on the amount of
material discharged and its character. Because urbaniza-
tion typically occurs around estuaries, waste discharges
are usually directed to the estuaries since they are the most
convenient waste disposal site. Domestic wastes, wastes
derived from municipalities and ultimately humans, con-
tains large amounts of organic and nutrient (nitrogen,
phosphorus, trace) materials. Some typical concentration
values are given in Table 2. The relative amounts of mate-
rial discharged to estuaries or other bodies of water may be
estimated by knowing the population served by a sewerage
system and mass discharge coefficients. These coefficients
indicate the amount of material discharged per person per
day. Such coefficients are also given in Table 2.

Industrial wastes also reach estuaries either as a direct
discharge to the estuary, as spills from vessels carrying mate-
rials to or from the industries, as the result of dredging activ-
ities, as the discharge of heated effluents from power plants
and heated effluents from nuclear power plants which also
carry radioactive materials, and in other forms. Most indus-
trial activities involve the use of and/or the disposal of water.
Such waters usually contain the by-products of the industrial
process and are characteristic of the process. For example in
manufacturing steel, a certain amount of water is required
for cooling and washing purposes. The amount of water used
to produce a ton of steel by a given process is fairly consis-
tent and the quality of the water resulting from the process is
also fairly consistent. Table 3 lists various types of industrial
activities, the amount of water used in the activity, and the
pounds of oxygen required to oxidize the organic material
in the wastewater as well as the pounds of suspended solids
produced in making some unit amount of product.
Another source of waste material is urban and rural
runoff. Urban runoff may consist of storm water runoff from
the streets and gutters which is routed to the nearest water-
way by storm water pipes, or it may consist of a mixture of
storm water runoff and sanitary sewage in what is called a
combined sewer system. Such systems are typical of older
cities in the United States and other countries which built one
pipe to carry both sanitary wastes and storm water wastes.

Quality of fresh and ocean water
(Concentration units are mg/L)

Constituent Fresh Ocean

Chloride 1.0–1,000 18,980
Sodium 1.0–1,000 10,560
Sulfate 1.0–1,000 2,560
Magnesium 1.0–1,000 1,272
Calcium 1.0–1,000 400
Potassium 0.01–10.0 —
Bicarbonate 1.0–1,000 142
Carbonate 0.01–10.0 —
Bromide 0.0001–0.1 65
Strontium 0.01–10.0 65
Boron 0.01–10.0 4.6
Fluoride 0.01–10.0 1.4
Aluminum 0.0001–0.1 0.16–1.9
Iodide 0.0001–0.1 0.05
Silicate 1.0–1,000 0.04–8.6
Nitrogen 0.01–10.0 0.03–0.9
Zinc 0.0001–0.10 0.005–0.014
Lead 0.0001–0.1 0.004–0.005
Iron 0.01–10.0 0.002–0.02
Phosphorus 0.0001–0.1 0.001–0.10
Mercury — 0.0003

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