by pumping or under-drain systems for recovery of treated
water, (3) natural treatment with groundwater moving verti-
cally and laterally in the soil, and (4) recharging a surface water
Overland flow In the overland flow system, the wastewater
is applied over the upper reaches of the sloped terraces and
allowed to flow overland and is collected at the toe of the slopes.
The collected effluent can be either reused or discharged into
a receiving water. Biochemical oxidation, sedimentation, fil-
tration and chemical adsorption are the primary mechanisms
for removal of the contaminants. Nitrogen removal is achieved
through denitrification. Plant uptake of nitrogen and phospho-
rus are significant if crop harvesting is practiced. 3,5
Aquatic Treatment Systems
Aquatic system utilize lagoons and ponds, and wetlands. The
lagoons and ponds depend on microbial life, and lower plants
and animals, while wetlands support the growth of rooted
plants. Both pond systems and wetlands are discussed below.
Pond Systems
Within the aquatic systems, pond systems are the most widely
accepted ones. Basically pond systems can be of three types
based on oxygen requirement. These are aerobic, anaerobic
and facultative pond systems. In all cases the major treatment
responses are due to the biological components. 2,7 In most of
the pond systems both performance and final water quality are
dependent on the algae present in the system. Algae are func-
tionally beneficial, providing oxygen to support other biologi-
cal responses, and the algae-carbonate reactions are the basis
for the effective nitrogen removal in the ponds. However,
algae can be difficult to remove from the effluent. As a result,
the stringent limits for suspended solids in the effluent can not
be met. The design features and performance expectations for
natural aquatic treatment units are summarized in Table 2.
Aerobic ponds Aerobic ponds, also called high rate aero-
bic ponds, maintain dissolved oxygen (DO) throughout their
entire depth. They are usually 30 to 45 cm deep, allowing
light to penetrate to the full depth.^3 Mixing is often pro-
vided to expose all algae to sunlight and to avoid deposi-
tion. As a result, formation of anaerobic sludge layer can be
reduced. Oxygen is provided by photosynthesis and surface
reaeration. Because of the presence of sufficient dissolved
oxygen, aerobic bacteria can stabilize the waste. Detention
time is short, usually 3 to 5 days. Aerobic ponds are lim-
ited to warm sunny climate and are used infrequently in the
United States. 2,7
Design features and expected performance for terrestrial treatment units
Typical criteria
Concepts Treatment goals Climate needs Vegetation Area,b ha
Organic loading,
kg BOD 5 /ha.d
loading, m/year
characteristics, mg/L
Slow rate Secondary, or AWTa Warmer season Yes 23–280 — 0.5–6 BOD 2
TN 3 c
TP 0.1c
FC 0 d
Rapid infiltration Secondary, or AWT,
or groundwater
None No 3–23 45–180 6–125 BOD 5
TN 10
TP 1 e
FC 10
Overland flow Secondary, nitrogen
Warmer season Yes 6–40 95 3–20 BOD 10
TSS 10 f
TN 10
TP 6
a Advanced wastewater treatment.
b For design flow of 3800 m (^3) /d.
c Total nitrogen removal depends on type of crop and management.
d FC Fecal coliform, number per 100 ml.
e Measured in immediate vicinity of basin, increased removal with longer travel distance.
f Total suspended solids depends in part on type of wastewater applied.
Source: Adopted in part from Refs. 2, 3, 5, and 6.
C014_001_r03.indd 738C014_001_r03.indd 738 11/18/2005 10:44:16 AM11/18/2005 10:44:16 AM