Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


In addition, power and frequency “windows” have been
reported, that is enhanced biological responses have been
elicited within narrow bands of incident power and radiation
What is often overlooked in any description of the bio-
logical effects of microwave radiation is that such radiations
have produced benefi cial effects. Controlled or judicious
exposure of humans to diathermy or microthermy is widely
practiced. The localized exposure level in diathermy may be
as high as 100 mW/cm^2.

Exposure Criteria

Schwan in 1953 examined the threshold for thermal damage
to tissue, notably cataractogenesis. The power density nec-
essary for producing such changes was approximately 100
mW/cm^2 to which he applied a safety factor of 10 to obtain
a maximum permissible exposure level of 10 mW/ cm^2.
This number has been subsequently incorporated into
many offi cial standards. The current American National
Standards Institute C95 standard requires a limiting power
density of 10 mW/cm^2 for exposure periods of 0.1 hr
or more; also an energy density of 1 milliwatt-hour per
square centimeter (1 mWh/cm^2 ) during any 0.1 hr period
is permitted. The latter criterion allows for intermittency
of exposure at levels above 10 mW/cm^2 , on the basis that
such intermittency does not produce a temperature rise in
human tissue greater than 1C. More recently, Schwan has
suggested that the permissible exposure levels be expressed
in terms of current density, especially when dealing with
measurements in the near or reactive fi eld where the con-
cept of power density loses its meaning. He suggests that
a permissible current density of approximately 3 mA/cm^2
be accepted since this value is comparable to a far fi eld
value of 10 mW/cm^2. At frequencies below 10 100 KHz
this value should be somewhat lower and for frequencies
above 1 GHz it can be somewhat higher.
The most recent proposal of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) specifi es a frequency dependent
criterion, with a minimal elvel of 1 mW/cm^2 in the so-called
resonant frequency range of the human body (approximately
tens of MHz to several hundred MHz) and higher permis-
sible levels at lower and higher frequencies.
The performance standard for microwave oven specifi es
a level of 1 mW/cm^2 at any point 5 cm or more from the
external oven surfaces at the time the oven is fabricated by
manufacturer. 5 mW is permitted throughout the useful life
of the oven.
Because Soviet investigators believe that effects on the
central nervous system are more appropriate measure of
the possibly detrimental effects of microwave radiation
than are thermally induced responses, their studies have
reported “thresholds” which are lower than those reported
in Western countries. Soviet permissible exposure levels
are several orders of magnitude below those in Western
The Soviet Standards for whole body radiation are as fol-
lows: 0.1 mW/cm^2 for 2 hr exposure per day and 1 mW/cm^2 for

a 15–20 min exposure provided protective goggles are used.
These standards apply to frequencies above 300 MHz. Recent
reports indicate that the Soviet Union has raised the above
mentioned value of 0.01 mW/cm^2 to 0.025 mW/cm^2 ; also, the
Soviet value of 0.001 mW/cm^2 for continuous exposure of the
general population has been raised to 0.005 mW/cm^2.
There appears to be no serious controversy about the
power density levels necessary to produce thermal effects
in biological tissue. The nonthermal CNS effects reported
by the Soviets are not so much controversial as they are a
refl ection of the fact that Western investigators have not
used the conditioned refl ex as an end point in their inves-

Measurement of Microwave Radiation

Perhaps the most important factor underlying some of the
controversy over biological effects is the lack of standard-
ization of the measurement techniques used to quantify
results. To date, unfortunately, there seems to be little
promise that such standardization will be realized in the
near future.
The basic vector components in any electromagnetic
wave are the electric fi eld ( E ) and the magnetic fi eld ( H ).
The simplest type of microwave propagation consists of
a plane wave moving in an unbounded isotropic medium,
where the electric and magnetic fi eld vectors are mutu-
ally perpendicular to each other and both are perpendicu-
lar to the direction of wave propagation. Unfortunately the
simple proportionality between the E and H fi elds is valid
only in free space, or in the so-called “far fi eld” of the
radiating device. The far fi eld is the region which is suf-
fi ciently removed from the source to eliminate any inter-
action between the propagated wave and the source. The
energy or power density in the far fi eld is inversely pro-
portional to the square of the distance from the source and
in this particular case the measurement of either E of H
suffi ces for their determination.
Plane-wave detection in the far fi eld is well understood
and easily obtained with equipment which has been cali-
brated for use in the frequency range of interest. Most hazard
survey instruments have been calibrated in the far fi eld to
read in power density (mW/cm^2 ) units. The simplest type of
device uses a horn antenna of appropriate size coupled to a
power meter.
To estimate the power density levels in the near fi eld of
large aperture circular antennas one can use the following
simplifi ed relationship


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(near field),

where P is the average power output, D is the diameter of
the antenna, A is the effective area of the antenna and W is
power density. If this computation reveals a power density
which is less than a specifi ed limit, e.g. 10 mW/cm^2 , then no
further calculation is necessary because the equation give the

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