Allowable levels of particulate emissions are specified in
several different ways, having somewhat different meth-
odologies of measurement and different philosophies of
important criteria for control. Permissible emission rates are
in a state of great legislative flux both as to the definition
of the suitable measurement and to the actual amount to be
allowed. This section summarizes the various types of quan-
titative standards that are used in regulating particulate emis-
sions. For a detailed survey of standards, the reader should
consult works by Stern,^1 Greenwood et al. ,^2 and the Public
Health Service.^3
A recent National Research Council report proposes
future studies on the nature of particulate emissions, their
effect on exposed populations and their control^4. Friedrich
and Reis^5 have reported the results of a 10-year multinational
European study on characteristics, ambient concentrations
and sources of air pollutants.
The following paragraphs give an overview of standards
for ambient particulate pollution and source emission. The
precise and practical methodology of making accurate and/
or legally satisfactory measurements is beyond the scope of
this article. Books such as those by Katz,^6 Powals et al. ,^7
Brenchly et al. ,^8 and Hawksley et al.^9 should be consulted
for detailed sampling procedures. In the Federal Register
USEPA announced the implementation of the PM-10 regu-
lations (i.e., portion of total suspended particulate matter of
10 μ m or less particle diameter). 40,41^
Ringlemann Number
Perhaps the first attempt at quantifying particulate emis-
sions was developed late in the 19th century by Maximilian
Ringlemann. He developed the concept of characterizing a
visible smoke plume according to its opacity or optical den-
sity and originated the chart shown in Figure 1 as a conve-
nient scale for estimation of opacity. The chart consists of
four grids of black lines on a white background, having frac-
tional black areas of 20, 40, 60 and 80% which are assigned
Ringlemann Numbers of 1–4. (Ringlemann 0 would be all
white and Ringlemann 5 all black.) For rating a smoke plume,
the chart is held at eye level at a distance such that chart lines
merge into shades of grey. The shade of the smoke plume is
compared to the chart and rated accordingly. The history and
use of the Ringlemann chart is covered by Kudlich^8 and by
In actual practice, opacity is seldom determined by use
of the chart, although the term Ringlemann Number persists.
Instead, observers are trained at a “smoke school.”^10 Test
plumes are generated and the actual percentage of light atten-
uation is measured spec-trophotometrically within the stack.
Observers calibrate their perception of the emerging plume
against the measured opacity. Trained observers can usu-
ally make readings correct to 1/2 Ringlemann number. 11,13
Thus, with proper procedures, determination of a Ringlemann
Number is fairly objective and reproducible.
The Ringlemann concept was developed specifically for
black plumes, which attenuate skylight reaching the observ-
er’s eye and appear darker than the sky. White plumes, on
the other hand, reflect sunlight and appear brighter than the
background sky so that comparison to a Ringlemann chart is
meaningless. The smoke school approach is quite applicable,
however. Observations of a white plume are calibrated against
the measured light attenuation. Readings of white plumes are
somewhat more subject to variation due to relative locations
of observer, plume, and sun. It has been found that observa-
tions of equivalent opacity taken with the observer facing
the sun are about 1 Ringlemann number higher^13 than those
FIGURE 1 Ringlemann’s scale for grading the density of smoke.
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