Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


PCB emulsions in water are reduced to low parts per trillion

Time (min.)/PCB Concentration (ppm)

Initial (ppm PCB) 10 min. 20 min. 30 min. 90 min.
22.5 0.028 0.007
254 13.2 8.7 4.6
3,300 25.5 2.9 0.2


Polychlorinated dioxins (ppt) Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (ppt)

Component Untreated Treated Untreated Treated
2,3,7,8-TCDF N.D. N.D. 0.5 0.03
Tetra-chloro- 1.2 0.15 1.5 0.21
Penta-chloro- 0.95 0.48 1.5 0.12
Hexa-chloro- 1.1 0.17 1.5 0.15
Hepta-chloro- 1.7 0.37 2.8 0.32
Octa-chloro- 1.3 0.22 1.6 N.D.

N.D.  not detected.

No mechanistic studies have so far been done to determine
the formation of intermediate reaction products.
Once an hydroxylated product has been formed in a
dechlorination reaction, there is a possibility that, given the
right conditions for reaction, PCDFs or PCDDs might be
formed. Such reactions are known to occur under pyroly-
sis conditions and also when hydroxyl radicals are produced
during the course of a reaction such as ozone oxidation and
the interaction of solutions with high energy electrons gener-
ated by a Van der Graff machine or Sr^90 b − -particles. These
reactions have been discussed in an earlier section.
The dimerization of chlorophenate precursors to yield
dibenzofurans is a bimolecular reaction and therefore the
products formed should be highly dependent upon the chlo-
rophenate concentrations. The particular PCDD isomers
formed in the system, and their quantities, will depend upon
the relative kinetics of alternative reaction routes.
The data in Table 59 indicate that aqueous samples
which contained PCDFs and PCDDs can be dechlorinated
to below the method detection limit of 0.03 parts per tril-
lion. Work to determine the efficiency and optimal treat-
ment parameters of the method towards the elimination of
PCDFs and PCDDs has not been specifically addressed. The
sample analyses shown in the table derive from real samples
which contained PCDF and PCDD contamination together
with other contaminants. All of the contaminants were suc-
cessfully removed. During this experiment the system was

not intended to specifically reduce PCDF and PCDD com-
pounds but rather to remove other components of concern.
Since these classes of compounds are chemically more reac-
tive than chlorobenzenes it is expected that PCBs/PCDFs/
PCDDs would also react to the observed low levels found in
the current research.
Analytical chemistry at the time of the ‘Yusho’ incident
in 1968 was at a stage of development in which the deter-
mination of compounds of concern at the parts per million
level was considered to be the state-of-the-art. Vos showed
in 1970 that PCDFs could be determined in the presence of
a matrix of PCBs but it was not until about 10 years later
that analytical methodology had advanced to the point that
PCDFs and PCDDs could be determined with a standard,
quality assured protocol.
The analysis protocol used to determine the PCDF data
in Table 59 is designed to precisely and accurately quantitate
the 2,3,7,8-TCDF and 2,3,7,8-TCDD isomers which are of
greatest health concern. The remaining congeners are classi-
fied according to the number of chlorine atoms contained in
the isomeric group. The concentration of the isomeric group
is reported as the sum of the concentrations of the unsepa-
rated isomers.
The technology might be designed into a closed loop
system. For example, the excavated soil is washed, the sol-
vent mixed with supporting electrolyte and fed into the elec-
trochemical cell. Compounds of concern are destroyed and
the wash water and solvent regenerated and recirculated for
further use.
The cost-efficiency of the process can be optimized
by reducing the concentration of contaminants of concern
to an intermediate level in the closed-loop system. The
incompletely reacted mixture can be re-used to extract the
excavated soil for a second pass treatment. The solvent is
re-loaded with contaminants and treated in a second pass.
Finally, the mixture is completely reacted to a prescribed
level which will allow the clean soil to be returned to the
site. The solvent need not be treated to extremely low levels
because it is used in the closed-loop system to re-extract sub-
sequent batches of contaminated soil.

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