SCIENCE 9 JULY 2021 • VOL 373 ISSUE 6551 155
be described as a key innovation—allowed
hummingbirds to exploit nectar, a resource
that most early birds, not only the ancestor
of hummingbirds, most likely could not taste.
This ancestral absence of sweet perception
can be inferred because in most nonavian
lineages, the sweet receptor is formed by a
heterodimer of two taste receptors, T1R2 and
T1R3, the former of which is missing in birds
whose genomes have been sequenced (now
spanning the entire avian tree) ( 10 ). The
umami receptor is formed by pairing T1R3
with another molecular partner, T1R1, which
is still present in bird genomes. Toda et al.
suggest that the evolution of the umami re-
ceptor may have played a critical permissive
role in some of the classic examples of avian
adaptive radiation (e.g., the Darwin’s finches
and honeycreepers) as well.
To d a et al. analyzed taste receptor func-
tion and evolution in passerine birds.
Passerines are members of the largest of
40 orders of birds, which comprises more
than half of all bird species. The authors re-
viewed the frequency of nectar consumption
(the most common source of dietary sugars)
across birds, identifying multiple nonpas-
serine (hummingbirds, parrots, and others)
and many passerine lineages that extensively
consume sugars. Members of the oscine pas-
serines—commonly known as songbirds—
including well-known nectarivore radia-
tions, such as the honeyeaters, sunbirds,
and Hawaiian honeycreepers, as well as
less-specialized groups, such as wattlebirds,
white-eyes, and tanagers, frequently imbibe
nectar and similar sugar sources, such as
honeydew. Choice tests in a nectar special-
ist (a honeyeater) and a nonspecialist (the
canary) demonstrate that oscine passerines
both consume and taste sugars. A compara-
tive evolutionary analysis of the pattern of
nectarivory across birds reported by Toda
et al. suggests that perception of sweetness
may be hard to acquire—with possibly a sin-
gle origin within oscines—but, once present,
this trait permits rapid gains and losses of
sugar exploitation.
To interrogate the molecular basis of
sweet perception, Toda et al. cloned the T1R
genes from species spanning most of the pas-
serine evolutionary tree. This allowed them
to express these native genes (as well as het-
erospecific combinations and mutants) in
cell cultures and detect ligand binding using
a cell-based luminescence assay. All tested
oscine umami receptors (T1R1-T1R3 dimers)
responded strongly to sugars, especially su-
crose. By contrast, umami receptors from
the two nonoscine passerines retained the
ancestral umami sensitivity with no sign of
activation by sugar. Expression studies com-
bining honeyeater T1R receptor subunits
with the subunits of other oscine species
demonstrate conserved sweet perception—
and thus presumably a shared molecular
mechanism—across most oscines. By con-
trast, coexpression of these genes with their
partners cloned from hummingbirds showed
no binding activity for sugars, though they
still responded to amino acids, which sug-
gests a different binding mechanism be-
tween these deeply divergent lineages.
The shared oscine binding mechanism
was further explored by synthesizing in-
ferred ancestral genes for T1R1 and T1R3 and
expressing these and chimeras of the two to
test for sugar sensitivity. These experiments
suggest that the origin of shared sweet per-
ception is nested somewhat within the os-
cine lineage (excluding two major branches
of oscines) and that it involves evolution of
residues in both T1R1 and T1R3 subunits,
whereas previous work on hummingbirds
identified most changes in T1R3. Functional
convergence in these lineages is therefore
likely based on complex changes in tertiary
structure evolving from different starting
points, rather than parallel residue-for-resi-
due replacements, which might explain the
relatively few origins of this trait.
The diversity of passerines has long in-
trigued biologists ( 11 ), and some oscine lin-
eages containing nectarivores have unusu-
ally high species diversity given their age ( 8 ,
12 , 13 ). Biogeographic analyses of oscines in-
dicate that they originated in Australasia ( 13 ,
14 , 15 ), and thus sweet perception probably
evolved there in the Oligocene (34 to 23 mil-
lion years ago) or possibly earlier. The early
evolution of sweet perception likely played
an important role in diversification of this
lineage, which is now a numerically and eco-
logically dominant component of terrestrial
avifaunas the world over. j
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the seeds of
before birth
By Irene Roberts1,2 and Paresh Vyas^1
ach year, ~200,000 babies worldwide
are born with Down syndrome (DS),
owing to constitutional trisomy of
chromosome 21 (T21) ( 1 ). Children with
DS have a markedly increased risk of
leukemia, particularly in their first
4 years. Almost 60,000 (30%) will harbor
within their blood cells damaging, fetally ac-
quired mutations in the transcription factor
gene GATA binding protein 1 (GATA1), which
encodes a short GATA1 protein (GATA1s)
and triggers the first step in the develop-
ment of leukemia ( 2 ). GATA1 mutations are
rare in disomic individuals and virtually
never cause leukemia in the absence of T21.
Why GATA1 mutations are so frequent in
T21 babies and the mechanisms by which
a supernumerary chromosome 21 (Hsa21)
predisposes to, and cooperates with, genetic
events in DS leukemogenesis are not known.
On page 179 of this issue, Wagenblast et al.
( 3 ) identify Hsa21 microRNAs (miRNAs) that
cooperate with GATA1s and map the cellular
origin of the leukemia.
Compared with children of the same age
without DS, the risk of myeloid leukemia
(modeled by Wagenblast et al.) is 150-fold
greater, whereas acute lymphoblastic leuke-
mia is more than 20-fold higher in people
with DS. DS also causes functional and de-
velopmental abnormalities in virtually all
organs and tissues. Progressive cognitive
impairment, dementia, and cardiac disease
are major causes of ill health, with profound
effects on the lives of patients and their fami-
lies. How the supernumerary Hsa21 causes
the clinical features of DS remains unclear.
Distinct cooperation
between a mutated gene
and trisomy 21 triggers
leukemia in utero
(^1) MRC Molecular Haematology Unit, MRC Weatherall
Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford,
UK.^2 Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford,
Oxford, UK. Email: [email protected];
[email protected]
The early evolution of sweet perception
likely played an important role in the
diversification of passerines, such as this
New Holland honeyeater in Australia.
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