Science - USA (2021-07-09)

(Antfer) #1

of genetic drivers ( 61 )lendssupporttothe
concept of convergence. Last, although our
results demonstrate that Down syndrome
leukemogenesis can be modeled by a sequence
of cell-intrinsic mechanisms, we cannot exclude
an additional role for the T21 microenviron-
ment in leukemic evolution in individuals with
Down syndrome.
Through analysis of individual preleukemic
and leukemic cell fractions isolated on the basis
of primitive stem cell markers and propagated
in serial transplants, we identified CD117/KIT
as a marker of disease-driving cells. Further,
pharmacological KIT inhibition targeted pre-
leukemic stem cells, and this proof of concept
could open an approach for therapy at the pre-
leukemic stage. This would limit the pool of
GATA1s-primed progenitors that can acquire
additional mutations and ultimately inhibit
progression to ML-DS. Such a scenario could
foreseeably work in combination with refined
clinical scores capable of identifying patients
with TAM who have risk of progression toward
leukemia subtypes that have poor outcome
( 62 ). However, this concept requires further
in-depth preclinical and clinical assessment.
Our findings not only provide insight into
Down syndrome leukemogenesis but also have
implications for pediatric leukemia in general.
Sequencing data from newborns indicated that
the first genetic alterations for many subtypes
of childhood leukemia occur during fetal de-
velopment ( 63 – 65 ). Our results potentially
suggest that the cellular origin of preleukemic
mutations in other pediatric leukemia may also
be LT-HSCs, which is supported by that it can
take years after birth until leukemia is diag-
nosed ( 66 ). Early targeting of preleukemia
during the newborn phase could become a
clinical paradigm for pediatric leukemia. Last,
numerical and structural alterations of Chr21
are extremely common in hematological malig-
nancies in both children and adults ( 67 ). Gains
of Chr21 are seen in up to 35% of cases in sev-
eral types of acute leukemia ( 68 ). Thus, it will
be important to identify mechanisms includ-
ing but not limited to dysregulation of Chr21
miRNAs that are shared among those cases.

Materials and methods summary

All mouse experiments were approved by the
University Health Network (UHN) Animal
Care Committee, and we confirm that all ex-
periments conform to the relevant regulatory
and ethical standards. All xenotransplanta-
tions were performed in 8- to 12-week-old
mice (JAX) that were sublethally irradiated
with 225cGy, 24 hours before transplanta-
tion, or in 8- to 12-week-old femaleNOD.
mice that were not irradiated. Human fetal
liver samples were obtained from elective preg-
nancy terminations at Mount Sinai Hospital

with informed consent in accordance to guide-
lines approved by the Mount Sinai Hospital
Research Ethics Board (18-0093-E) and the
UHN Research Ethics Board (02-0763). Fetal
liver samples of normal disomic karyotype and
T21 were collected at 16 to 19 weeks gestation
from either sex. Fetal liver samples were pro-
cessed within 1 to 3 hours, and CD34+cells were
isolated by use of the human CD34 MicroBead
kit (Miltenyi Biotec) according to the manu-
facturer’s protocol (table S11). For all in vitro
and in vivo experiments, the full stem and pro-
genitor hierarchy was used to sort LT-HSCs,
ST-HSCs, CMPs, and MEPs ( 26 ). CRISPR/Cas9
RNP electroporations were carried out by
using chemically synthesized gRNAs (IDT),
recombinant Cas9 nuclease (IDT), and the
4D-Nucleofector (Lonza) as previously de-
scribed ( 22 ). Single-cell in vitro assays were
performed in erythro-myeloid-megakaryocytic
promoting medium. Xenotransplantations
of CRISPR/Cas9–edited LT-HSCs were per-
formed at cell doses of 300 to 400 per mouse,
unless otherwise specified, to obtain near-
clonal xenotransplantations.


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