Environmental Science

(Brent) #1


  1. Talks on National and International Problems

The school authorities may arrange talks on current problems of national and
international interest. Members of the Environment may be cordially invited to listen and
participate in the discussion.

  1. Financial aid by the Environment members

Well-to-do-members of the Environment may be asked to help the school enterprise

  1. Apprenticeship

Local trades can provide apprenticeship experiences to the students. The Role of Teacher
in liaising Environment Resources the role of the teacher for the proper utilization of the
Environment resources is very important. There is always a likelihood of the existence of
evil trends like favoritism, nepotism, dishonesty, hypocrisy, etc. in the Environment life.
The teacher should bring home to the pupils the idea that children should study the
Environment life, and fight these evil trends. The teacher should make a wise and judicious
study of Environment life to build reasonable pride on its past achievements, and faith in
its future possibilities. He is required to make the pupils alert about the processes of the
Environment. He must develop the right attitudes towards the Environment local, national
and international. By displaying initiative and resourcefulness, foresight and patience to,
build the Environment understanding of the pupils, he can prepare them to be worthy
members of the Environment.

Advantages of Utilizing Environment Resources in Environmental Science

  1. Natural way of imparting education. A study of the Environment is useful for
    imparting education in a natural way. Proceeding from the known to the unknown
    and from the near to the distant it is natural process of establishing relationship,
    particularly suitable to young students.

  2. Growth of new interests. A survey of the Environment and a study of its problems,
    provide opportunities for the growth of new interests, which are natural and creative,
    not imposed from outside but developed from within.

  3. Choice of vocation. Study of Environment offers a wide choice of vocation to school
    children who observe various groups of people in the Environment engaged in
    different economic activities for the welfare of the Environment. This observation
    creates interest and urge in the minds of some boys to explore industries, means
    of transport and communication, trade, commerce, business, agriculture and so on
    in their adult life. Some girls may feel inclined to home nursing, preparation and
    distribution of food, teaching or religion. Thus, a choice of vocation for adult life-
    may be made by students right from the primary or secondary school stage.

  4. Social use of leisure. Interested in the Environment outside the school, the student
    would spend his spare time in the study of some specific portion of the Environment
    life. Carrying this interest beyond school days, he may acquire a technique for
    using the increased leisure at his disposal creatively and usefully.

  5. Development of skill and attitudes. After studying the problems of one’s Environment,
    one may think of development of one’s city, town or countryside. The students may

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