The Warrior Mindset

(Siva m) #1

So if you were going to write down the worst possible outcomes for changing
careers, it might well look something like this:

  • I might leave my job only to fail to find another job

  • I might be unable to pay the mortgage and thus be forced to move home

  • This could upset my partner so much they leave me

  • I might get the job I think I want and find out I hate it more than my last job

  • I might apply to other jobs only to get rejected by everyone and end up
    damaging my ego

These are all real concerns, but now if you think about all the ways you can manage
risk and reduce the impacts of those negative outcomes you'll find your fears aren't
all that founded...

  • I can look for jobs without leaving my current job to avoid the risk of
    unemployment. No one has to know.

  • This will also be a lot less reckless in the eyes of my partner.

  • Alternatively I could speak to my boss about my problems and see if there
    are other positions within my organisation.

  • If I do end up out of work I could always speak to my old boss about getting
    my job back/work in a supermarket while I look for other work/work for Dad/live off
    of savings for a couple of months/move back home with the parents!

  • If my partner leaves me for trying to become happier then I need to reassess
    that relationship

  • If I don't like the job I find next then I will feel more confident about job
    hunting again in future.

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