agile-guide english

(AndreasReiner) #1



Looking at the environmental conditions and challenges that we are already
confronted with in today's markets, technological developments, trends and

VUCA(Volatility,Uncertainty,Complexity, Ambiguity).


Volatility means being confronted with something unexpected or a rapid or significant
Uncertainty involves the unknown or facing a situation that is unpredictable. A business
may not be able to predict or forecast what's caused the change and
may be unsure how to proceed as a result. Uncertainty can also pop up in the
form of business or market surprises, and may be a result of circumstances a
business cannot control.
Complexity leads to situations for which there are no simple or standardized solutions.
Many influencing factors and interfaces, difficult demarcations and limited
possibilities of simplification play an important role.
Ambiguity exists in the world of the unknown. Circumstances may be unclear,
information may be vague and signals may get crossed due to mixed

Not all challengesthatare to besolved with the help ofproject work are in the
context of VUCA. Nevertheless, the question arises as to when which project

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