his book is a collaborative effort. The content took
shape with the help of family, colleagues, and the
amazing staff at McGraw-Hill. Big thanks to my edi-
tor, John Aherne, for his enthusiasm and counsel, and
to Kenya Henderson, for making it all happen! McGraw-Hill
design, marketing, and public relations staff are among the best
in the book publishing industry. I’m honored they share my
excitement about the subject.
My wife, Vanessa, manages our business at Gallo Commun-
ications Group. She worked tirelessly to prepare the manuscript.
How she found the time between juggling our business and car-
ing for our two children is beyond the scope of “mere mortals.”
Many thanks to my editor at, Nick Leiber,
who always seems to find a way to improve my columns. As
always, thank you, Ed Knappman, my encouraging agent at
New England Publishing Associates. Ed’s knowledge and insight
are second to none.
I owe thanks to my parents, Franco and Giuseppina, for their
unwavering support. Thank you, Tino, Donna, Francesco, Nick,
Patty, Ken, and many other close friends and family members
who understood why I couldn’t be around or why I had to skip
golf on weekends. Back to the course!
My girls, Josephine and Lela. You are Daddy’s inspiration. All
your patience during Daddy’s absence will be rewarded with an
insanely great visit to Chuck E. Cheese.