Chapter 13 The Toolbar
The toolbar component was added to Android in Android 5.0 (Lollipop). Prior to Lollipop, the action
bar was the recommended component for navigation and actions within an app.
The action bar and toolbar are very similar components. The toolbar builds on top of the action bar. It
has a tweaked UI and is more flexible in the ways that you can use it.
CriminalIntent supports API 19 and newer, which means that you cannot use the native toolbar on all
supported versions of Android. Luckily, the toolbar has been back-ported to the AppCompat library.
The AppCompat library allows you to provide a Lollipop’d toolbar on any version of Android back to
API 9 (Android 2.3).
Using the AppCompat library
You are already using the AppCompat library. As of this writing, new projects come with it
automatically. But what if you need to add the AppCompat library to a legacy project? AppCompat has
a few requirements that you will need to know about.
The AppCompat library requires that you:
- add the AppCompat dependency
- use one of the AppCompat themes
- ensure that all activities are a subclass of AppCompatActivity
Updating the theme
In Chapter 7 you added the AppCompat dependency to CriminalIntent. The next step is to ensure that
you are using one of AppCompat’s themes. The AppCompat library comes with three themes:
- Theme.AppCompat – a dark theme
- Theme.AppCompat.Light – a light theme
- Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar – a light theme with a dark toolbar
The theme for your application is specified at the application level and optionally per activity in your
AndroidManifest.xml. Open AndroidManifest.xml and look at the application tag. Notice the
android:theme attribute. You should see something similar to Listing 13.1.
Listing 13.1 The stock manifest (AndroidManifest.xml)
android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
The AppTheme is defined in res/values/styles.xml. Open this file and ensure that the parent theme
of your AppTheme matches the shaded portion shown in Listing 13.2. For now, do not worry about the
attributes inside the theme. You will update those soon.