Chapter 14 SQLite Databases
Converting to model objects
With CrimeCursorWrapper, vending out a List
need to wrap the cursor you get back from your query in a CrimeCursorWrapper, then iterate over it
calling getCrime() to pull out its Crimes.
For the first part, update queryCrimes(...) to use CrimeCursorWrapper.
Listing 14.17 Vending cursor wrapper (
private Cursor queryCrimes(String whereClause, String[] whereArgs) {
private CrimeCursorWrapper queryCrimes(String whereClause, String[] whereArgs) {
Cursor cursor = mDatabase.query(
null, // columns - null selects all columns
null, // groupBy
null, // having
null // orderBy
return cursor;
return new CrimeCursorWrapper(cursor);
Then get getCrimes() into shape. Add code to query for all crimes, walk the cursor, and populate a
Crime list.
Listing 14.18 Returning crime list (
public List
return new ArrayList<>();
CrimeCursorWrapper cursor = queryCrimes(null, null);
try {
while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
} finally {
return crimes;
Database cursors are called cursors because they always have their finger on a particular place in a
query. So to pull the data out of a cursor, you move it to the first element by calling moveToFirst(),
and then read in row data. Each time you want to advance to a new row, you call moveToNext(), until
finally isAfterLast() tells you that your pointer is off the end of the data set.