Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1
Linear navigation by swiping

Now swipe right. Accessibility focus moves to the new crime button in the toolbar. TalkBack
announces, “New crime. Double-tap to activate. Double-tap and hold to long-press.” For framework
widgets, such as menu items and buttons, TalkBack will read the visible text content displayed on the
widget by default. The new crime menu item, however, is just an icon and does not have any visible
text. In this case, TalkBack looks for other information that it has available. You specified a title in
your menu XML, and that is what TalkBack reads to the user. TalkBack will also provide details about
actions the user can take on the widget and sometimes information about what kind of widget it is.

Figure 19.5  New crime button selected

Swipe right again, and TalkBack reads information about the SHOW SUBTITLE menu button. Swipe
right a third time; accessibility focus moves to the first crime in the list. Swipe left, and focus moves
back to the SHOW SUBTITLE menu button. Android does its best to move accessibility focus in an
order that makes sense.

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