Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1

Chapter 25  HTTP and Background Tasks

Listing 25.7  Adding constants (

public class FlickrFetchr {

private static final String TAG = "FlickrFetchr";

private static final String API_KEY = "yourApiKeyHere";

Make sure to replace yourApiKeyHere with the API key you generated earlier.

Now use the constants to write a method that builds an appropriate request URL and fetches its

Listing 25.8  Adding fetchItems() method (

public class FlickrFetchr {
public String getUrlString(String urlSpec) throws IOException {
return new String(getUrlBytes(urlSpec));

public void fetchItems() {
try {
String url = Uri.parse("")
.appendQueryParameter("method", "")
.appendQueryParameter("api_key", API_KEY)
.appendQueryParameter("format", "json")
.appendQueryParameter("nojsoncallback", "1")
.appendQueryParameter("extras", "url_s")
String jsonString = getUrlString(url);
Log.i(TAG, "Received JSON: " + jsonString);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to fetch items", ioe);

Here you use a Uri.Builder to build the complete URL for your Flickr API request.
Uri.Builder is a convenience class for creating properly escaped parameterized URLs.
Uri.Builder.appendQueryParameter(String, String) will automatically escape query strings for

Notice you added values for the method, api_key, format, and nojsoncallback parameters. You also
specified one extra parameter called extras, with a value of url_s. Specifying the url_s extra tells
Flickr to include the URL for the small version of the picture if it is available.

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