Passing handlers
Before running PhotoGallery and seeing your hard-won images, there is one last danger you need
to account for. If the user rotates the screen, ThumbnailDownloader may be hanging on to invalid
PhotoHolders. Bad things will happen if the corresponding ImageViews get pressed.
Write a clearQueue() method to clean all the requests out of your queue.
Listing 26.13 Adding cleanup method (
public class ThumbnailDownloader
public void queueThumbnail(T target, String url) {
public void clearQueue() {
private void handleRequest(final T target) {
Then clean out your downloader in PhotoGalleryFragment when your view is destroyed.
Listing 26.14 Calling cleanup method (
public class PhotoGalleryFragment extends Fragment {
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onDestroyView() {
public void onDestroy() {
With that, your work for this chapter is complete. Run PhotoGallery. Scroll around to see images
dynamically loading.
PhotoGallery has achieved its basic goal of displaying images from Flickr. In the next few chapters,
you will add more functionality, like searching for photos and opening each photo’s Flickr page in a
web view.