Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1
Simple Persistence with Shared Preferences

Last, but not least, update FetchItemsTask to use the stored query rather than a hardcoded string. Add
a custom constructor to FetchItemsTask that accepts a query string as input and stashes it in a member
variable. In updateItems(), pull the stored query from shared preferences and use it to create a new
instance of FetchItemsTask. All of these changes are shown in Listing 27.14.

Listing 27.14  Using stored query in FetchItemsTask


public class PhotoGalleryFragment extends Fragment {
private void updateItems() {
String query = QueryPreferences.getStoredQuery(getActivity());
new FetchItemsTask(query).execute();
private class FetchItemsTask extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,List> {
private String mQuery;

public FetchItemsTask(String query) {
mQuery = query;

protected List doInBackground(Void... params) {
String query = "robot"; // Just for testing

if (querymQuery == null) {
return new FlickrFetchr().fetchRecentPhotos();
} else {
return new FlickrFetchr().searchPhotos(querymQuery);

protected void onPostExecute(List items) {
mItems = items;

Search should now work like a charm. Run PhotoGallery, try searching for something, and see what
you get.

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