Chapter 28 Background Services
When onStopJob(...) is called, your service is about to be shut down. No waiting is allowed: You must
stop your work immediately. Returning true here means that your job should be rescheduled to run
again in the future. Returning false means, “Okay, I was done anyway. Do not reschedule me.”
When you register your service in the manifest, you must export it and add a permission:
Exporting it exposes it to the world at large, but adding the permission restricts it back down so that
only JobScheduler can run it.
Once you have created a JobService, kicking it off is a snap. You can use JobScheduler to check on
whether your job has been scheduled.
final int JOB_ID = 1;
JobScheduler scheduler = (JobScheduler)
boolean hasBeenScheduled = false;
for (JobInfo jobInfo : scheduler.getAllPendingJobs()) {
if (jobInfo.getId() == JOB_ID) {
hasBeenScheduled = true;
If your job has not been scheduled, you can create a new JobInfo that says when you want your job to
run. Hmm, when should PollService run? How about something like this:
final int JOB_ID = 1;
JobScheduler scheduler = (JobScheduler)
JobInfo jobInfo = new JobInfo.Builder(
JOB_ID, new ComponentName(context, PollService.class))
.setPeriodic(1000 60 15)
This schedules your job to run every 15 minutes, but only on WiFi or another unmetered network.
Calling setPersisted(true) also makes your job persisted so that it will survive a reboot. Check out
the reference documentation to see all the other ways you can configure a JobInfo.