Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1

View Components

View Components

The material design guidelines specify a few kinds of view components that were new in Lollipop. The
Android team provides implementations of many of these components. Let’s take a look at a few of the
views you are likely to run into.


The first new widget is a frame for other widgets: cards (Figure 35.10).

Figure 35.10  Cards

A card is a container for other kinds of content. It is elevated slightly, with a shadow behind it, and its
corners are slightly rounded.

This is not a design book, so we cannot provide advice on when and where to use cards. (See Google’s
material design documentation on the web if you are curious: We can
tell you how to make them, though: by using CardView.

CardView is a class provided in its own v7 support library, much like RecyclerView. You can include it
in your project by adding a dependency on to your module.

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