caching, 520
Calendar class, 237
Callbacks interface, 326-334
about, 305-316
firing intent, 311
layouts for, 306, 307
taking pictures with intents, 311, 312
CameraUpdate class, 655
cancel(boolean) method (AsyncTask), 495
cancel(...) method (AlarmManager), 547
Canvas class, 606
cards (view component), 673
choosers, creating, 297
circular reveal animation, 667, 668
classes, importing, 21
close() method, 285
code completion, 26
codenames, version, 113
for animation, 616
themes and, 428
color resources, adding, 422
colorAccent attribute, 428
colorPrimary attribute, 428
colorPrimaryDark attribute, 428
colors.xml file, 422
commands (IntentService), 538
Android Lint and, 118-120
fragments and, 130-133
importance of, xx, 114, 115
issues, 114
minimum SDK version and, 117
with support libraries, 130-133
using conditional code for, 119
wrapping code for, 118-120
compile SDK version, 117
compileSdkVersion, 116
ComponentName class, 461
components, 100
concurrent documents, 471, 472
configuration changes, 414
configuration qualifiers
about, 65
for language, 338
listed, 348
multiple, 351-353
precedence of, 349-353
for screen density, 48, 344
for screen orientation, 65
for screen size, 324, 335
ConnectivityManager class, 540
ConstraintLayout class
about, 183
converting layout to use, 184
about, 183
adding in graphical editor, 191
in XML, 194
removing, 187
warnings when insufficient, 187
getting data from, 300
permissions for, 302
container view IDs, 149
container views, 137
ContentProvider class, 300
ContentResolver class, 300
ContentValues class, 278
Context class
AssetManager, 385
basic file and directory methods in, 308
explicit intents and, 100
for opening database files, 271
getSharedPreferences(...), 532
references to, 288
resource IDs and, 26
controller objects, 37
class naming, 7
extra naming, 103
package naming, 4
variable naming, 21, 35
create() method (AlertDialog.Builder), 230
createChooser(...) method (Intent), 297
Cursor class, 282, 285
CursorWrapper class, 282
data binding
?? (null coalescing) operator in, 397