previewing, 16, 96, 353
for property animation, 610
root element, 13
testing, 353
view hierarchy and, 13
-ldpi suffix, 48
lifecycle callbacks, 56
LinearLayout class, 10, 13
Lint (see Android Lint)
list(String) method, 385
list-detail interfaces, 123, 217, 317-329
about, 23
as interfaces, 23
setting in fragments, 145
setting up, 23-26
displaying, 157
getting item data, 169
ListView class, 179
Loader class, 497
LoaderManager class, 497
loadLabel(PackageManager) method
(ResolveInfo), 457
local files, 269
local layout rect, 613
LocalBroadcastManager class, 578, 580
localization, 337-340
about, 621-645
adding GPS permissions for, 630
with Flickr Geosearch, 633
Fused Location Provider, 622
testing, 623-626
Location API, 622
LocationListener class, 635
LocationRequest class, 634
Log class
levels, 73
logging messages, 57
methods, 73
Log.d(String, String, Throwable) method,
Logcat, 59-62
(see also logging)
of exceptions, 78
Log.d(String, String, Throwable), 78
messages, 57
of stack traces, 78
TAG constant, 57
Looper class, 503, 507
LRU (least recently used) caching strategy, 520
LRUCache class, 520
m prefix for variable names, 21, 35
MAIN category, 109, 457
main thread, 481
makeText(...) method (Toast), 25
(see also manifest attributes)
about, 97
adding network permissions to, 479
adding service to, 539
adding uses-permission INTERNET, 479
Android versions in, 116
build process and, 30
declaring Activity in, 97
manifest attributes
android:configChanges, 593
android:protectionLevel, 572
MapFragment class, 650
maps, 647-659
adding markers to, 657
API setup for, 648, 649
getting lat-lon data for, 652- 654
working with, 654-657
Maps API
about, 648, 649
key, 648
MapView class, 650
margins, 202
master-detail interfaces, 123, 217, 317-329
matchers, for testing, 402
match_parent, 14
material design
about, 661-677
animation tools, 667-672
material surfaces, 662-666
view components, 673-677
mContext class, 288
-mdpi suffix, 48
MediaStore class, 311