Yoga Anatomy

(Kiana) #1


Except for the arm position, the muscular, spinal, and joint actions of this pose are virtu-
ally identical to those of setu bandhasana. The main difference between setu bandhasana
and dwi pada pitham is that dwi pada pitham is a vinyasa, a dynamic movement that is
coordinated with the inhalation and exhalation.
This simple yet versatile practice can be used in a variety of ways to release tension
from the spine and breathing structures, as well as to help balance the leg and hip actions
that support similar poses, such as setu bandhasana and urdhva dhanurasana (page 249).


The lifting movement is typically done on the inhalation and the lowering on the exhalation,
but this pattern can be changed to produce various effects. For example, the three bandhas
can be very easily activated simply by doing the lowering movement while suspending the
breath at the end of an exhale (bhaya kumbaka). Lowering the spine while using bhaya
kumbhaka creates a natural lifting of the pelvic floor and abdominal contents toward the
zone of lowered pressure in the thoracic cavity. The subsequent inhalation can create a
dramatic downward release of the pelvic floor and a noticeable sense of relaxation in this
often tense region.

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