Yoga Anatomy

(Kiana) #1

52 Yoga anatomY


rotation—Rotation of the radius and ulna so that they cross each other is called
pronation, and rotation of the radius and ulna so that they are uncrossed is called
supination. (Sometimes pronation is described as “palm down” and supination as
“palm up,” but the position of the palm doesn’t accurately describe these actions
because of the movements available in the shoulder joint and scapula.)


elevation—Movement of the distal end of the clavicle upward in the vertical plane.
depression—Movement of the distal end of the clavicle downward in the vertical plane.
upward rotation—Rotation of the clavicle around its longitudinal axis to roll the top
surface backward.
downward rotation—Rotation of the clavicle around its longitudinal axis to roll the
top surface forward.
protraction—Movement of the distal end of the clavicle forward, usually accompanied
by scapular protraction.
retraction—Movement of the distal end of the clavicle backward, usually accompanied
by scapular retraction.

shoulder (glenohumeral Joint)

flexion—Movement of the arm sagittally forward in space.
extension—Movement of the arm sagittally backward in space.
abduction—Movement of the arm from alongside the torso to open to the side and
away from the body.
adduction—Movement of the arm from an abducted position toward the side of
the body.
horizontal abduction—Movement of the arm from a flexed position in front of the
body to open to the side and away from the body.
horizontal adduction—Movement of the arm from an abducted position to the side
of the body to a flexed position in front of the body.
protraction—Movement that slides the head of the humerus forward in the sagittal
retraction—Movement that slides the head of the humerus backward in the sagittal


elevation—Sliding of the scapula upward in the vertical plane.
depression—Sliding of the scapula downward in the vertical plane.
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