Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Variation
With Spine Flexed
E5267/Kaminoff/fig 6.13C/421789/JG/R1
In this variation on utthita hasta padangusthasana, the lifted leg is parallel to the floor and
the head comes to the knee. Because the individual lowers the head to the knee instead
of lifting the leg to the head, the balance is much more challenging. For those who are
accustomed to going to their extreme range of motion, this pose is a valuable exploration
of precision in placement.
There is less length required in the hamstrings but much more mobility required in the
muscles of the back. For the spine to flex so deeply, the spinal muscles must lengthen a
great deal while the abdomen softens. This is an excellent pose for exploring how the
conventional holding patterns in the abdomen can be released and finding balance from
the support of the pelvic floor rather than engaging abdominals and muscles of the lower
back and posterior rib cage.