Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

(Elle) #1

Propagation/Greenhouse Management

Part 1 – 152 | Unit 1.3

Pricking Out
A traditional French-intensive method of raising
seedlings in wooden flats, where seedlings are
transplanted from a sowing flat at high density
to a second propagation flat at lower density

Propagation Media
The growing media in which seeds are
germinated and seedlings are grown

The young root as it emerges from the
seed, normally the first organ to appear on

The selective removal of seedlings affected by
pests or pathogens

Scratching or etching a thick seed coat to
improve water uptake

Self Pollination
Self pollination occurs when pollen is
transferred from the anther to the stigma of the
same flower

Sexual Propagation
The intentional reproduction of a new
generation of plants by the germination and
growth of seeds that were created in the
previous generation through the fertilization of
a plant ovary via the union of male and female
sex cells. Results in a genetically unique plant
The exposure of ungerminated seeds to either
warm or cold temperature extremes to release
chemical dormancy factors
The loss of water vapor from a plant, mostly
from the stomata of leaves
Capability of germination
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