Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

(Elle) #1
Garden and

Field Tillage and


Introduction 33

Lecture 1: Overview of Tillage and Cultivation 35

Lecture 2: French Intensive Method of Soil Cultivation 41

Lecture 3: Mechanical Field-Scale Tillage and Cultivation 43

Demonstration 1: Preparing the Garden Site for
French-Intensive Soil Cultivation

Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 45

Students’ Step-by-Step Instructions 49

Demonstration 2: French-Intensive Soil Cultivation

Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 53

Students’ Step-by-Step Instructions 57

Hands-on Exercise 61

Demonstration 3: Mechanical Tillage and Cultivation 63

Assessment Questions and Key 65

Resources 68


  1. Goals of Soil Cultivation 69

  2. Origins of the French-Intensive Method 72

  3. Tillage and Bed Formation Sequences for 74
    the Small Farm

  4. Field-Scale Row Spacing 76


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