Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat

(avery) #1

I kept quiet.
'What?' she prodded me again.
'The problem is you think I am this geek who solves probability problems for
thrills. Well, maybe I do, but that is not all of me. I am a tutor, it is a job. But
never fucking accuse me of crushing your passion.' Too late I realised I had used
the F-word. 'Sorry for the language.'
'Cursing is an act of passion.'
I smiled and turned away from her.
'So there you go,' she said, 'my tutor-friend, I want to make an admission to
you. I want to go to Mumbai, but not to cut cadavers. I want to study PR.'
I banged my fist on the table. 'Then do it. Don't give me this wish-I-was-a-boy
and I'm-trapped-in-a-cage nonsense. Ok, so you are in a cage, but you have a
nice, big, oiled brain that is not pea-sized like a bird's. So use it to find the key
'Medical college is one key, but not for me,' she said.
'In that case, break the cage,' I said.
'What makes the cage? Your parents, right? Do you have to listen to them all
the time?'
'Of course not. I've been lying to them since I was five.'
'Really? Wow,' I said and collected myself. 'Passion versus parents is a tough
call. But if you have to choose, passion should win. Humanity wouldn't have
progressed if people listened to their parents all the time.'
'Exactly. Our parents are not innocent either. Weren't we all conceived in a
moment of passion?' I looked at her innocent -looking face, shocked. This girl is
out of control. Maybe it isn't such a good idea to get her out of her cage.

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