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The GeoJournal Library
- A.J. Conacher (ed.):Land Degradation.Papers selected from Contributions to the
Sixth Meeting of the International Geographical Union’s Commission on Land Degrad-
ation and Desertification, Perth, Western Australia, 20–28 September 1999. 2001
ISBN 0-7923-6770-7
- S. Conti and P. Giaccaria:Local Development and Competitiveness. 2001
ISBN 0-7923-6829-0
- P. Miao (ed.):Public Places in Asia Pacific Cities.Current Issues and Strategies. 2001
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Geographical Interpretations. 2002 ISBN 1-4020-0513-X
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Spaces of Control and Transformation. 2001 ISBN Hb; 1-4020-0533-4
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Landform Assemblages and Transformations in Cold Regions. 2002
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Economy: Frankfurt and Tel Aviv Compared. 2002 ISBN 1-4020-0924-0
- R. Gerber (ed.):International Handbook on Geographical Education. 2003
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tional Transplantation. Experiences with the Transfer of Policy Institutions. 2002
ISBN 1-4020-1049-4
- A.K. Dutt, A.G. Noble, G. Venugopal and S. Subbiah (eds.):Challenges to Asian
Urbanization in the 21st Century. 2003 ISBN 1-4020-1576-3