Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications

(Grace) #1
But as luck would have it, I left in
2002 for a full time regulator job in
a Federal German Agency. My job is
highly inspiring since I combine scien-
tific background information, political
implications, and cost-benefit consider-
ations into regulatory decisions. I’ve
learned during my scientific career
that good decisions are mostly those
that are taken based on knowledge
and not on uncertainty. Now I am an
expert working for the German gov-
ernment and as independent expert

for the European Food Safety
Authority and sit in front of sceptic
young rebels who want to save the
world against evil techniques, but I
think plant biotechnology could poten-
tially offer more advantages than dis-
advantages for better and more
environmentally-friendly agriculture.
Plant biotechnology is based on my
on scientific experience really not
black-and-white, but is as colourful
as life. I hope to be an honest
mediator and decision maker.


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