Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications

(Grace) #1

Figure 9.8.Fusion of a reporter and selectable marker gene to create a bifunctional gene:
(a) GUS:NPTII fusion reporter system for plants that incorporates thenptIIgene for kanamycin
selection and the GUS reporter gene in a single module; (b) transformed tobacco shoots selected
on kanamycin; (c) shoots with roots regenerated on kanamycin; (d) a transgenic seedling after two
generations showing retention of GUS gene activity indicated by the histochemical staining with
the GUS substrate X-Gluc (provided by Raju Datla, Plant Biotechnology Institute, National
Research Council of Canada, Saskatoon, Canada).

Figure 9.9.Luminescence detected in transgenic tobacco transformed with the firefly luciferase gene
driven by the 35Spromoter and watered with a solution of luciferin, the luciferase substrate.
[Reprinted with permission from Ow et al. (1986), copyright 1986, AAAS.]

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