2 States The Story Of My Marriage

(Nora) #1


‘That’s it, Guruji,’ I said, tears now dry on my face. ‘I’ve never shared so much
with anyone.’
The sound of the sea could be heard, the waves asymmetrical to my
tumultuous thoughts.
‘Open your eyes,’ Guruji said.
I lifted my eyelids slowly.
‘Come, we will go to the balcony behind,’ Guruji said.
I followed him to a terrace in the rear of the house. The sea breeze felt cool
even in the hot sun. I sat on one of the two stools kept outside. He went inside
and came back with two glasses and a book.
‘It’s coconut water. And this is the Gita. You’ve heard about the Gita?’
‘Yes,’ I said, ‘sort of.’ I took a sip of the coconut water.
‘What have you heard?’
‘Like it is the ultimate book. It has all of life’s wisdom. You have to work and
not worry about the reward. Right?’
‘Have you read it?’
‘Parts of it. It’s nice, but a little....’
‘Actually, no, not boring. Hard to follow and apply everything.’
‘I’ll give you just one word to apply in your life.’
‘Meaning? You want me to forgive my father? I can’t.’
‘Why not?’

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