2 States The Story Of My Marriage

(Nora) #1

‘I know what guys want.’
‘You don’t. And try to stay away from wrong numbers.’
We left Barista and drove back in her spacious Honda. I realised this Honda
could be mine if only I didn’t believe in stupid things like love.
‘What should I tell my mother? Dolly asked.
‘Say you didn’t like me.’
‘Why? She’ll ask.’
‘It’s easy to slam an IITian down. Say I am a geek, boring, lecherous,
whatever,’ I said.
‘She doesn’t understand all that,’ Dolly said.
‘OK, tell her Krish has no plans to continue in the bank. He’ll quit in a few
years to be a writer.’
‘You are too hi-fi for me,’ she said as we reached her house.

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