Hacking Gmail

(Grace) #1

Chapter 11 — Dealing with Labels 173

This is exactly the same technique as you used in Listing 11-2, added to Chapter

10’s method for sending a reply. You should now be able to see how you can build
simple applications and workflows with the Gmail and the Mail::Webmail::Gmail


Setting New Labels.

It’s all very well being able to list the existing labels, but what about setting mes-

sages with them? To do that with Mail::Webmail::Gmail, use the edit_labels
function. Listing 11-4 displays the unlabeled messages and the existing labels, and

allows you to apply one to the other.

First, the listing and then how it works.

Listing 11-4: Labeling Unlabeled Messages

use Utils;

$gmail = login();

$messages = $gmail->getmessages(); # simply get all
$id = 1;
$num = 0;
foreach ( @{$messages} ) { # and iterate through
if ( $
->{“new”} ) {
print $id. “\t”

. $_->{“sender_email”}. “\t”
. stripbold( $->{“subject”} )
. “\n”; # output message data
push( @nums, $num );

print “\n”;
print “enter message number to label\n”;
$num = <>;
print “\n”;

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