Biology Questions and Answers
bilateral body where the nervous central
commanare located.d and important sensory organs
- What is the type of
reproduction, sexual or
asexual, that occurs in
Platyhelminthasexual may present sexual or
- How can asexual
reproduction in planarias be
Planariasasexually by transversal b can divide themselvipartition des (^) ue
to the great regeneration capability of
their tissues.substrate they can When they attach to ainduce a constriction (^)
in their middle region and the body is
then separateof these parts gives birth to a nd into two parts anewd each
individual as tissue regenerates.
- Are flatworms monoecious
or dioecious?
There are monoecious hermaphroditeflatworms, like planarias and taenias, (^)
and there are dioecious (having male
and female schistosomes.individuals) species too, like
- Is it possible for a
hermaphrodite species to
present cross-fecundation?
There are hermaphrodite spanimals and plants that present cross-ecies of
fecundation maimaturation of female and malenly due to the (^)
structures at different periods.
Cross fecundation hermaphrodites in woccurs in planarias,hich sexual
fecundation takes pfemale gametes from differentlace with mal e and
individuals. Ttheir copulating structurhese individuals apes and proach
exchange gametes.
- What is direct
development? Is there a larval
stage in planarias?
Sexual redevelopment is that in production with which thdirect (^) ere is
not a larval stage development. When a larval stage in the embryonic (^) exists
it is said to be indirect development.
In the sexual rthere is no larval stage.eproduction of planarias
- Into which classes are
platyhelminthes divided? How
are these classes
characterized and what are
some representative beings of
each of them?
Platyhelminthclasses: turbellarianses are divided into thr (or Turbellaria),ee