Biology Questions and Answers
with calcium ions the transformation of
prothromthen catalyzesbin into throm a reaction that pbin. Thrombinroduces (^)
fibrin from fibrinogen. Fibrin, as an
insoluble substance, a network that traps red blood cells andprecipitates to form
platelets forming the blood clot and
containing the hemorrhage.
- What are clotting factors?
Clotting factors(enzymes, coenzymes, r are substanceseagents) (^)
necessary fohappen. Besides thr the clotting stages toose triggering factors (^)
and reagents already described (tissue
and platelet factors, thromprothrombin, fibrinogen, calciumplastinog ions),en, (^)
other substances participate in the
blood clotting pfactors, like factor VIII, whoserocess as clotting
deficiency causes hemophilia A, or the
factor Ihemophilia B.X, whose deficiency causes
- What is the organ where
most of the clotting factors
are produced? What is the role
of vitamin K in the blood
Most of the clotting fin the liver. actors are produced
Vitamin K pof several clotting factors anarticipates in the activationd it is
fundamental for the well-functioning of
the blood coagulation.
- What is factor VIII? What
is the genetic disease in which
this factor is absent?
Factor VIfactor X tII has thhat in its turn is ne function ecessary foof activatingr
the transfothrombin in the clotting cascade.rmation of prothrombin into
Hemophilia A is the X-linked genetic
disease in produce factor VIII and so is morwhich the individual does note
susceptible to severe hemorrhages. - How is hemophilia
treated? Why is hemophilia
rare in females?
Hemophilia is medically treated with
administrationhemophilia A, o of factor VIII, in case r of factor IX, in case ooff (^)
hemophilia B, by means of blood or
fresh frozen plasma transfusions.
Hemophilia, A or B, is an X-linked
recessive inhemophilic it is necessary for both ofheritance and for a girl to be
her X chromosomes to be affected while
boys, that havchromosome, are more easily affected.e only one X (^)
A girl with only one affected
chromosome disease since does not the normal gpresent thene of thee (^)
unaffected produces thother X chrome clotting factor.osome
- What is the
epidemiological association
between hemophilia and HIV