Biology Questions and Answers

(Greg DeLong) #1

Biology Questions and Answers

Metabolism and


  1. What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the chemical processes uset of physical andpon which the life (^)
of the cells of a living being depends.

  1. What is the difference
    between anabolism and

Metabolism comprises two opposing

processes: anaAnabolism is a set obolismf synth and catabolism.esis reactions (^)
that transform simpler compounds into
organic molenergy spending. Catabecules in general witholism is a set o (^) f
reactions that break organic molecules
into simpler asubstances in general with nd less complexliberation (^) of
energy. The energy liberated in
catabolismprocesses o may bef the organism, inclu used in vital (^) ding

  1. What is homeostasis? What
    are the sensors, controllers
    and effectors of homeostasis?

Homeostasis comprises the processes
by which adequate ithe organism maintainsntra and extracellular
conditions to keep possible the normal
reactions of the metabolism.

Homeostatic sensors are structures that

detect inouter environment of the body. Theseformation from the inner and (^)
sensors may be nervous receptor cells,
cytoplasmicother specialized or membrane proteins andmolecules. Controllers (^)
are structures responsible for processing
and interpreting information rfrom the sensors. Controllers in generaleceived (^)
are specialized regions of the central
nervous systemlevel there are also som but on the moleculare of them, like (^)
DNA, a molecule that can get
information stimulate the expression from proteins to inhibit orof some genes. (^)
Effectors are elements commandthe controllers that have the function oed by (^) f
bringing about actions that in fact
regulate anthe organism, like d maintain tmuscles,he equilibrium o glands, f
cellular organelles, etc., and in the
molecular levparticipate in the genetic translation,el structures that (^)
the produced proteins, etc.

  1. How do antagonistic
    mechanisms manage
    homeostatic regulation?
    The homeostaticbody mostly occurs b maintey means onance off the

alternating amechanisms.ntagonistic There are regulators compensatory that (^)
lower the pH and others that ithere are effectors whose function is toncrease it,
increase the body temperature and
others that lowthat, e.g., reduce the level of glucose ier it, hormones exist (^) n
the blood and others that increase the
glycemicmechanisms level. T is a strategy fohe use of antagound bynistic
evolution to solve the problem of the
maintenance of the body equilibrium.

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