Biology Questions and Answers

(Greg DeLong) #1

Biology Questions and Answers

  1. Why does the ingestion of
    vegetable fibers improve the
    bowel habit in people that
    suffer from hard stools?

Some types of plant fiabsorbed by the intestine bubers are nott play a (^) n
important rolorgan. They retain water ie in the functioninside tng of thehe
bowels and thus contribute to the
softening of the fecal fecal bolus is easier to bolus. A softerbe eliminated (^)
during defecation. People that eat less
dietary fiand constipation.ber may suffer from hard stools

  1. What are the main
    functions of the bacterial flora
    within the human gut?

Bacteriagreat im that live insidportance in digestion. Se the gut haveome
polysaccharides like cellulose,

hemicellulose digested by the digestive eand pectin are nzymesnot (^)
secreted by the body, instead, broken by enzymes released by bacteriathey are (^)
of the gastrointestinal tract. The
intestinalsubstances bacterial for the functioning flora also makof thee vital
bowels facilitating or blocking the
absorption or reducing peristalsis.of nutrients and stimulating Some gut
bacteria are the main source of vitamin
K for the body and so thfor the blood clotting process.ey are essential
In the intestinalalso potentially harmful bacteria. flora there are utile but It is
estimated that more than 100 trillion
bacteriabacteria live in are useful too ba human gut. Somecause theye (^)
compete with other species preventing
excessive proliferation of these bacteria.

  1. The releasing of digestive
    secretions is controlled by
    hormones. What are the
    hormones that participate in
    this regulation?
    The hormones that participate in regulation of digestion are gastrin,the
    secretin, cholenterogastronecystokine. and

  2. How is it produced and
    what is the function of gastrin
    in the digestive process?

The presence of food in the stomachstimulates the secretion of gastrin that (^)
in its turn triggers thgastric juice. e releasing of the

  1. Where is it produced and
    what is the function of
    secretin in the digestive
    Secretin is madchyme acidity causes the e in the duodenum. Thduodenum toe
    release this hormone that in its turn
    stimulatespancreatic the secretion juice. of the
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