Biology Questions and Answers

(Greg DeLong) #1

Biology Questions and Answers

cell. In eukaryotic cells of protists and
animalsthat migrate towards t they originate fhe plasmarom centrioles
membrane and differentiate into

structures pEach cilium or rojected outside flagellum is madthe cell.e of nine (^)
peripheral pairs of microtubules and one
central pair all cov(In bacteria, flagella arered by membrane.e made of a
protein named flagellin and there can
also be fimbria made of pilin.)
In the fixation base of each cilium or
flagellum there are proteins that work asin the plasma membrane
molecular motors pfor these structures with roviding movementenergy
spending. Due to this energy spending
ciliated ohave a large number of mitochonr flagellated eukaryotic cellsdria.
In humans ciliated cellsfor example, in the bronchial and can be found,
tracheal epithelium. In these tissues the
cilia have the defensive fsweeping mucous and foreignunction o f
substances that enter the airways.
Sperm cflagellateells are a typical examd cells, their flagellum is theple of (^)
propulsion equipment for the movement
towards the ovule.

  1. How does the amoeboid
    movement occur? What are
    examples of beings and cells
    that use such movements for

Amoeboid movements are created by
cytoplasmicmembrane projections movements and plasma called
pseudopods. Their formation actively

changes the external shape of someportions of the cell surface making it (^)
move along a substratum. Pseudopods
appear from differences of viscositamong neighboring regions of y
cytoplasm near the plasma membrane
and from thmicrofilaments.e contractile action of
Amoeboid movexample, in amoements occur, forebas (a protozoan), (^)
organisms that use their movement to
find food. The leukocytes,immune system, when attracted by cells of the
chemical substances (immune
mediators) usget out from capillariese amoeboid movements to in regions of
tissue dinflammatoryamage to participate process. in the

  1. What are some examples of
    movement created by the
    contraction of sarcomeres of
    the muscle cells?
    The handling of a cup of coffee, the

peristalticthe cardiac b movemeats and even a smile areents of the bowels, (^)
examples ocontraction of the sarcomerf movement createes of thed by (^)
muscle cells. This contraction is a type
of cell movement.

  1. What is cyclosis?

Cyclosismovement in which an is a type of internal coriented flow ofell (^)
circulating material is created and
maintainaction of microfilameed in the cytoplasmnts. Cyclosis by the is (^)
more easily observed in plant cells.

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