Biology Questions and Answers
synthetase phosphorylates ADP and
then ATP molecules are produced.
Hydrogen liberated in the mitochondrion
then combinwater. As a reaction tes with oxyhat depends ongen to form (^)
oxygen this type of ATP synthesis is
called oxidative phosphorylation.
- Until the Krebs cycle,
aerobic respiration can be
described without mentioning
oxygen, the chemical element
after which the reaction gets
its name. Where in the
process does this chemical
element take part? What is its
Oxygen enters the aerobic respiration in
its final phase, the respiratory cis of fundamental importance because ithain. It (^)
is responsible for the maintenance of
the hydrogen concentration gbetween the spaces separated by theradient (^)
inner mitochondrial membrane. This
gradient promotes thATP synthetase and thus thee functionin g of the
phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP. In
the space oxygen binds to inside free hydrogens to formthe inner membrane (^)
water and this hydrogen consumkeeps the hydrogen gradient and theption
proton traffic through the ATP
The entire aerobic respiration process
has the intent to synthetase work. Amake therobic beings, fore ATP (^)
example, we humans, need to breathe
oxygen to maintain concentration gradient and keep thethat hydrogen (^)
ATP synthetase working.
- How does the poison
cyanide act upon the aerobic
Cyanide is a poisocytochrome of the respiratoryn that inhibits the last chain,
interrupting tleading the cell to dhe ATP feath.ormation and thus - What is anoxia?
Anoxia is a situation in which there is no
available oxygen the respiratoryoxygen in the cell. W chain stops,hitout
there is no ATP production, the cell does
not obtain energy and dies.
Anoxia can be caused, for example, by
pulmonary insuextensive pulmonary infficiency (juries, edrownitc.), byng, (^)
obstructions, halts and deficiencies in
tissue circulation (athcoronary arteries that irrigate terosclerosishe of the
myocardium, tourniquets, heart arrest),
by hemolysishemoglobin diseases (anemias, (lysis of red blood cell) or fetal
erythroblastosis), etc.
- How many ATP molecules
are made after the aerobic
respiration and what is the net
energetic gain of the process?
After aerobic respiration 38 molecules are made with theATP
consumption (but two of these ATP are consumeof one glucose moleculed by (^)
glycolysis).is then 36 ATP mol The net gain of the processecules per glucose