section of the Department of Business, Enterprise &
Regulatory Reform’s website which provides information
on consumer policy and legislation such as the Sale of
Goods Act 1979.
http://www.legalmax.infoThis site, written by Max Young,
provides useful help in understanding basic concepts in
contract law and the sale of goods. The tutorials and help
are free, requiring simple registration only.
Website references
Chapter 10Contracts for the supply of goods and services
1 Sandra, who runs a flourishing florist’s shop, decides
to replace the van which she uses for making
deliveries. She attends a long-established street
market in used cars, where she sees a van with a
notice in the front window which reads: ‘For Sale.
1999 Bedford van’. After a thorough inspection and
a test drive, she enters into a contract to buy the van
from Mark. What is her legal position in the following
(a)Sandra discovers that the vehicle is made up of
two Bedford vans. The front half of a 1996 model
has been welded to the rear half of a 1999 model
and, as a result, the van is in a dangerous
(b)During the test drive, Sandra noticed that the
clutch was defective. Mark said that he was
prepared to do the repairs himself or he would
drop the price by £75. Sandra agreed to the
reduction in price, but her local garage has
now told her that it will cost £150 to put the
defect right.
(c)She has now been informed by the police that
the van was stolen six months previously and
that it must be returned to its true owner.
2 Explain what remedies are available to a buyer of
defective goods under sale of goods legislation.
Specimen examination questions
to access selected answers to self-test questions in the
book to check how much you understand in this chapter.
Use Case Navigatorto read in full some of the key cases
referenced in this chapter:
Jewson Ltd.v Kelly[2003] All ER (D) 470
Stevenson vRogers[1999] 1 All ER 613
Carlill vCarbolic Smoke Ball Co.[1893] 1 QB 256