How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Ask So You Will Receive 111

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What can you say that will make the other person wantto
honor your request? In other words, go in thinking of giving,
not just getting. You have to regard your request from the other
person’s perspective. What pressures are on this person? Often,
he or she has to sell the deal to other people. Excellent phrases

What can I give you that will enable you to get me a
better deal?

Would it make a difference if I...?

It’s your job to know what is needed and to address that. After
all, you are the one who wants something. That means you get
to do the work of making your request attractive.

PowerPhrases to Make Requests Say

What You Mean

The hallway at my seminar hotel was messy. I mentioned to the
banquets manager,

The hallway looks like it hasn’t been vacuumed.

He replied, “Oh it has. It’s just that when we brought the tables
in, it got messy again.”
Okay...that wasn’t the response I was looking for. In my
mind I had asked him to vacuum the hallway. Guess what—I

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