How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

122 PowerPhrases in Action

A 2002 survey by the Center for a New American Dream
confirms how often “no” means “maybe.” According to the sur-
vey, the average American child aged 12 to 17 will ask nine
times for what he or she wants before the parents will give in.
More than 12 percent of thirteen-year-olds admit to asking par-
ents for what they want fifty times or more.
Why? Because it works. They’ve learned when their parents
do not mean their “no”s.
Do yourself a favor and ask yourself: Do you intend to back
your words up with action? Do you mean your “no”? If you
don’t, then don’t even say it. Say “no” only if you mean it.

PowerPhrases to Say “No” Are Not

Mean When You Say Them

Please be aware that many people are uncomfortable asking for
things. Avoid making them regret asking. Avoid saying,

No (unless he is the kind of person who requires that kind
of directness).

Why would I want to do that?

You’re kidding, right?

No way.

Often when people are asked to do something they don’t
want to do, they feel guilty for saying “no.” However, they often
communicate anger instead of guilt. People have a right to ask,

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