146 PowerPhrases in Action
poses. Before I posed my first question to you, I didn’t say—
“I’m going to make this point in the form of a question, so you
will start thinking and get involved.” I wasn’t being manipula-
tive. There was nothing insidious in my intent.
If you ask questions to trick someone, to gain an unfair
advantage, or to twist the truth, you are not using PowerPhrases.
PowerPhrase Questions Mean What
Yo u S a y
Have you ever asked someone if he wanted something, feeling
confident he would refuse? You got points for asking, but
didn’t have to do something you did not care to do. Conve-
nient, perhaps, but manipulative. Be sure you mean what your
questions imply you mean.
PowerPhrase Questions Are Not Mean
When You Say Them
PowerPhrases are tools—not weapons. Questions can be either.
The following examples are weapons:
How long have you been beating your wife?
Are you always this stupid?
What, I look like an idiot?
These are set-up questions that are intended manipulatively and
are not PowerPhrases.