Absolutes, speaking in, 28
Absolute Vicious Venom Poison
Phrases, 28
Accusations, 130, 163
Acknowledgment, 8
of participation, 175–176
of perspective, 156–157
in saying no, 118
Actions, backing words up with,
66–69, 97, 113
Active listening, 124–131
avoiding sneaking own in, 126
hidden, in questions, 145
Aggressive communicators, 207–
number of words used by, 14,
Aggressive Negative Respect-
Robbing Phrases, 28–29
Anger, as secondary emotion, 171
Anger, defusing, 156–163
brevity in, 158
clarity in, 160–162
goals in, 159–160
specificity in, 158–159
tone in, 162–163
Anger, expression, 164–174
brevity in, 166–167
Anger, expression (cont.):
clarity in, 169–170
empty phrases in, 171–173
goals in, 168–169
specificity in, 167–168
Answers, asking good questions to
get, 138–147
Apologizing, 132–137
brevity in, 133
goals of, 134–135
sincerity in, 135–137
specificity in, 133–134
tone in, 137
Appreciation, showing, 3, 5, 8
Argument, negative Poison
Phrases in starting, 30
Artificial barriers, dropping, 89
Assertions, backing up, 93
in addressing issues, 185–192
in responding to put-downs,
151–152, 155
avoiding, 49–50
veiled, 31–32
Attention span, 45–46
Attitude. See alsoTone
eliminating, 72–73
as problem, 58–59
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