How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

18 Why PowerPhrases?

Jana’s Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases cost her credibility.
“Why don’t people take my ideas seriously?” Jana asked. “I’ve
been here ten years and I know what I’m doing. People hear the
same idea I offer from someone else, and talk about it like it was
the greatest thing they had ever heard. When I say it, they don’t
pay attention.” “I know exactly why they don’t listen when you
speak,” her friend Cindi replied. “You are so tentative when you
speak that no one takes you seriously. You will say, ‘I don’t know
for sure, but I was thinking if we tried Plan A, it might work.’
Then later someone else will say, ‘It’s obvious what we should
do. Let’s do A. If that doesn’t work, we’ll do B.’ They sound
certain, you sound indefinite.”
“But I never know for sure,” Jana responded. “No one does,”
Cindi replied. “Really, we’re all just guessing. But you don’t
have to point your limitations out every time you speak!”
Jana’s words were filled with Respect-Robbing Poison
Phrases—words that weakened her message. More than half of
the point she wanted to make was a disclaimer! I don’t know for
sure, I was thinking, it might work—it would be amazing if any-
one DID take her seriously!
Let’s find out what Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases find
their way into your life by reviewing your personal Respect-
Robbing Poison Phrases checklist.

Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases That

Weaken by Playing Small

How do you limit yourself? Shall we count the ways?

  1. Do you use FillerRespect-Robbing Poison Phrases that
    add no meaning, such as

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