How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Poison Phrases 21

  1. Do you habitually useTag Respect-Robbing Poison
    Phrases to solicit agreement and imply that you need approval,
    such as,

You know?
Doesn’t it?
Does that make sense?

Let’s look at the song again. How would you have liked a
chorus that said,

You light up my life, you know?


You light up my life. Does that make sense?

Quit while you’re ahead! I recently heard a speaker who
added “you know” after every point she made. She lost me! It
sounded like she was looking for validation because she was
unsure of herself. Not only that, it was irritating. I found myself
listening for the “you know”s and was distracted from the mes-
sage. When it comes to fillers and tag phrases, silence IS golden.

  1. Then there are the IndecisiveRespect-Robbing Poison
    Phrases that sound like you cannot take a stand, such as,

I should
I’ll try
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