How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Poison Phrases 25

your words imply work and imposition. If you say,

I’ll be happy to transfer you to customer service.

you sound upbeat and positive. Callers will feel and hear the
difference and so will you!
If you say,

I can’t get this to you today.

I hear your ineffectiveness. If you say,

I can get this to you tomorrow.

I hear mastery.
If you say,

It doesn’t start until 9:00 a.m.

I think there is something wrong with 9:00 a.m.If you say,

It starts at 9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m. sounds just fine to me!
One type of Negative Respect-Robbing Phrases is the “if-
only’s.” These are a form of “shoulda’s,” “woulda’s,” and
“coulda’s.” These are powerless words. If only I had better let-
ters at Scrabble or better cards in poker or if only my mommy
had read to me before bed....It’s true, the hand you are dealt
affects your choices and your chances, but you have no control
over the hand you were dealt. Poison Phrases dwell on things
we cannot control. PowerPhrases dwell on what we can.

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